Ewimming in a sea of Scrabble

Looking at the summer Scrabble calendar, one can be excused for believing Scrabble to be an aquatic sport strangely homonymous with the popular word game.


The steady current sustained by Summer League 1 and Summer League 2 that are currently underway is set to accelerate into a cascade of estival competitions.


The next waterfall after the Mnarja One-Day Tournament will be the Santa Marija One-Day Tournament on 15 August, the first ever event of its kind to be held in this notoriously lazy month. It will be followed within little more than a month by Il-Vitorja ODT on 8 September and by the Independence One-Day Tournament on 21 September. 


Ladies and gentlemen, put on your swimming costumes and trunks, let's play Scrabble!


(penned and published by Nicky Vella Laurenti)