E Scrabble New Year!

No differently from past years, the Malta calendar for 2017 is dotted with many a Scrabble event.


4 months-long leagues, a week-long international open, 8 day tournaments and 4 social events, the new year promises to be abuzz with the rattling sound of Scrabble tiles being picked from the bag and rueful analyses that animate the moments immediately after a Scrabble game. 


Standing out from the other events are the 34th edition of the Malta National Scrabble Championship, the 10th edition of the Malta International Scrabble Open (MISO), and the representation of Malta in the WESPA Championship 2017. 


Though the Scrabble New Year, commencing on 5th January, is but days away, those keen on celebrating it just can't wait for it to begin!


(penned and published by Nicky Vella Laurenti)